Commercial Flat Roofing Projects in the Greater Toronto Area

Roof Asset Management Program – RAMP

By maintaining your roof in a ready condition, you are ready for the next weather event. You can reduce or eliminate disruptive leaks and avoid expensive deck and insulation repairs or replacement.

Where Does Maintenance Begin?
The beginning of a good maintenance program is to make regular roof inspections. Someone has to get on the roof and make a careful inspection and assessment of the condition of the roof system.

Why Are Roofs So Frequently Ignored?
Many, if not most, roofs are not in any sort of preventative maintenance program. There are a variety of reasons as shown here. Perhaps the one that is missing is just not getting around to it.

  • Building owners naturally tend to focus on their core business and rarely have a business plan for their roofs.
  • Owners may consider roofs permanent or “covered” by warranty and do not require maintenance.
  • Proactive maintenance is rarely implemented unless corporate headquarters leads the way.
  • Roof performance and expenses are not tracked over the roof’s service life, so the same mistakes may be made again and again.
  • Owners do not recognize how expensive a dysfunctional roof can be.

A Roof Asset Management Program (RAMP) is a more sophisticated and cost effective approach to roof management. An owner with few or many roofs often needs help to stay on top of all the necessary inspections, required repairs and maintenance and to keep an eye on the contractors to ensure quality, safety, NO FIRES and warrantable outcome.

Benefits of a RAMP

There are several benefits of utilizing our formalized RAMP program. One of the major benefits is extending the life of the roof. By analyzing the roof cost on a life cycle basis, lower costs can be achieved through extending the life of the roof. This results in less disruption to the business and less land fill waste.

  • Regularly scheduled inspections and corrective actions extend the life of the roof.
  • Programming and budgeting are facilitated.
  • Thinking in financial terms rather than technical terms enhances communication with corporate management.
  • Scheduled inspections and periodic moisture surveys.
  • Data base of roof plans, roof constructions and previous repairs.
  • Emergency Leak Repairs.
  • A Dedicated Consultant to look after all your roofs.
  • Tracking of Warranties.
  • Establishment of roof condition rating.
  • Identification of needed repairs and maintenance.
  • Utmost attention to safety!!!